I officially feel all grown up
I survived my 1st week at L-3 Communications
My Title: Production Planner Specialist
It was insane, so much information crammed into this overloaded brain
This new job isn't mixing well with 19 credits BUT
I will SuRviVe
Only 2 more months of this madness [ 19 credits + 40+hr work week]!! So if you don't see me or hear from me, in real life or on this blog
that is why
I love my new Job
I feel so blessed and I am so happy I don't have to go job hunting when I graduate
I have a feeling I may be with this company the rest of my life
It's an amazing company and I know that it's just the right fit for me
I am excited to work hard and master this job
Although... my boss told me it takes a few years to feel comfortable at this position and that I need to be patient....
So here is to the next two years of getting comfortable with my new career :)
<3 I hope to blog about V-day soon
Toss: It was SO fun to see you Saturday!! for real.. any time you're just wanting to do a "couple thing" let us know. We're ALL for it!! Also, it's SO great to know you have a good job BEFORE you 've even graduated, that is SUCH a blessing these days. GOOD luck with the stressful times ahead.. I did the 18+ credit hours + 40 hr work week for 2 years! It was insane, but OH SO WORTH IT!! xoxo em